Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Natural resource -Solar Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Natural resource -Solar Resource - Essay Example In their analysis of economics of pollution however, the authors note that pollution is a side effect of practices that provide the human race with good things. The profound consequences of industrial production result in air pollution and discharge of pollutants into rivers through the manufacture of fertilizers. Therefore, this essay examines and discusses the social costs and benefits of externalities especially pollution and explains how solar energy can give solution to harmful activities associated with extraction of natural resources. The question of how much pollution that should be allowed takes everyone back to the evaluation of marginal social cost of pollution and also the marginal social benefit of pollution. Krugman and Wells (2012), define marginal social cost of pollution as the extra cost placed on the society as a whole by each extra unit of pollution whereas the marginal social benefit is the additional advantage to the society as a result of pollution. Conventionally, pollution carries along an external cost and yields both marginal benefits and cost to the society and these benefits are influenced by the decisions of the owners of the companies who determine how much pollution should occur in absence of government intervention (Krugman & Wells, 2012). As noted in this chapter, environmental costs of pollution are the most popular and essential example of external costs, which are usually uncompensated costs imposed on other people by individuals or firms. In the process of extracting natural resourc es, industries emit and also discharge harmful substances into the environment whose implications jeopardize human welfare. In order to minimize the effects of production, alternative sources of energy such as solar energy resource that are eco-friendly and sustainable can be opted. Since the sunshine is usually in abundance and free, solar energy can be the best alternative source of

Monday, February 3, 2020

Campaign financing is protected under the First Amendment and is a Essay

Campaign financing is protected under the First Amendment and is a form of free speech - Essay Example The sources include bodies like companies in the possession of the state or those that are independently held. The event of funding campaigns comprises of variant views from scholars. There are people who support the actions whereas others refute this idea. Funding campaigns is an exceedingly freewill to corporations and entities (Hudson, 2011). This has explanations in the idea that corporations have contractual capacities. This explains that they can create agreements. This essay seeks to explore the arguments supporting financing of campaigns and oppositions of this argument. One reason why corporations can lend funds is that they have rights. This means that they entail rights similar to those of a person. Therefore, corporations can lend money to any persons that they please. For instance, funding money is an aspect of people. This depicts that a corporate can lawfully offer funds to campaigns. This explains that the corporate entail right to operate without intimidation from ru le enforcers. Therefore, corporations possess possible capabilities to fund campaigns (Saad, 2010). Companies presume the position of people that own rights. This is firm reason for enabling corporations to finance campaigns. Apart from the idea that entities can fund other partnerships, they also entail the power to own wealth. This shows the truth aligned with acting of corporations. The first Amendment entails the facts that corporations can space for speech. One of the ways that it can express this freedom is concerning the way it handles decisions. The amendment offers that corporations can strategize their plans without counteractions. Therefore, companies have the power to execute their decisions without facing objections (Smith, 2007). This ensures that his or her actions have no one to outlaw. Bodies executing law ought to let companies perform their missions without interruption. The first amendment explains that companies entail the space to decide on their bill. This ens ures that their funds have no second deciders. This is a result of the first amendment. Therefore, the corporations can act without feeling exploited by the authorities. This gives companies a leeway to decide on the places to invest their capital. Corporations depict the idea that their funds become exploited according to their decisions. The requirements of law ensure that everything corporations have contractual power (Kerch, 2003). Therefore, campaigns can source resources from corporations. The other reason for insisting on the financing of campaigns is the idea that they require the finances to function. This is explains that campaigns entail hefty capital that has to be solicited. These funds help many political bodies strategize their missions. This explains that the bodies entail to achieve what they perceive best for the entities. The other thing is that the entities have to ensure that they perform their decisions according to the provision in the amendment act. Campaigns necessitate finances so that they can be captivating moving in their actions. Another reason is the fact that corporations entail heavy capital. This explains reasons why campaigns solicit finances from them. This is because campaigns require heavy capital in executing their convincing. This is something entailing investing of high amounts of funds. Campaigns require sufficient finances that come from stable bodies like corporations. Small entities cannot avail ample resources to run campaigns. Therefore, ample funds emanate from able bodies like corporations. Therefore, companies have the power of deciding whether to help campaigners. This is a requirement of the act that companies follow their rightful decisions. The other fact is