Sunday, November 3, 2019

Use of Technology and Social Media in Preaching Assignment

Use of Technology and Social Media in Preaching - Assignment Example Use of Technology and Social Media in Preaching Preachers and listeners hold and express doctrines of the Spirit with huge disparities. However, the absence of the power of God reduces the delivery of the sermon to a sad repeat. Preaching is also description and address. In a properly understood narration, the story of Jesus must carry and express word of address to listeners. Preaching is done intentionally to he listeners and as such the indicative mood carries the importance in its bosom. Likewise, speaking that takes to the hearers but does not possess content of faith is not preaching. Finally preaching is both private and public. It is private in the sense that the process of preparation creates a strong sense of ownership to the preacher (Johnston 2011, 108). In his book, Giving Blood, The Art and Craft of Interactive Preaching, Leonard Sweet’s fundamental questions addresses the kind of communication style best reverberates in a social and technological world. This social world is depicted by platforms of Twitter, G oogle, ipads/phones and Facebook best abbreviated as TGiF. Sweet takes a thorough analysis and tries to find out whether this communication mode is deductive, inductive, and abductive or is just something else. For instance, Twitter handle offers an avenue for better discipleship and offers a platform for ministry. Important to note about twitter is the categorical principle of followership because it fundamentally involves who you are following and who your followers are. This social platform is a constant reminder that every happening does not entirely depend on leadership but rather on followership. Followership involves two orientations namely: who am I following and who is following me. Just like apostle Paul said, â€Å"Follow me as I follow Christ†, twitter provides an avenue where one constantly reframes himself. This reframing is especially geared towards conforming to acts performed by Jesus including being gracious, forgiving, loving and acting as a discipler who h elps his flock (Sweet 2008, 157). Social platforms offer great quotes that have an impact on a multitude of crowds. An analogy is depicted that if one is unable to say a statement in everyday’s words, then probably he or she does not comprehend it. As such, the platforms provide unique channels where one is able to eloquently state the message that reaches out. The gospel is expressed with immediacy and terseness on a number of teachings that Christ advocated or. Social network sites basically involve the simple stuff every common human being is able to connect with even at personal levels. Social media offers a common ground for global undertakings throughout the world and even in churches and parishes across the world. Through the social media, questions on whether the listeners or partakers of the message connect with the global community are addressed. Additionally, under common global concern, the listeners of the messages are encouraged to act as mirrors to others and l ead by example. It is also through the social sites that a preacher may find social solitude. By this a preacher is shut off his undertakings while simultaneously giving back to the society without hiding. Therefore, Sweet advocates for the use of social media in preaching and this is in tandem with the above mentioned reasons (Sweet 2008, 136). Another great piece of work by Leonard Sweet is the book Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival by Leonard Sweet. This book equally plays a fundamental role in addressing the role

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