Saturday, May 23, 2020

Analysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval...

1. Functions of a Database Management System Database Management System (DBMS) Information Retrieval System (IRS) †¢ Storage, Access And Provide DBMS provide services such as storage, access and update data in the database. †¢ Acquisition of the necessary and appropriate documents. †¢ Provide Free Catalog DBMS provides a catalog that contains information about the data and catalogs that can be accessed by users. †¢ Preparation and representation of the content of those in documents. †¢ Supports Transactions The transaction is a unit of work that contains several commands up-date the data. †¢ Coding of the content indicators. †¢ Concurrency control Database Management System (DBMS) to ensure accurate updated database correctly if many users update the database simultaneously. †¢ Organized storage of those documents and their indicators in separate files. †¢ Recovery From Failure System Database Management System (DBMS) provides facilities to restore the database in the event of damage †¢ Development of operational search strategies. †¢ Authorization Services The facility is to ensure that the right people are allowed to achieve its data. †¢ Physical dissemination of the retrieval result. †¢ Utility Services Facilities for maintaining databases through data editing, deletion of records, build new files and so on. †¢ Integrity Services Change data must follow the constraints or conditions that have been determined. This facility is to maintain data consistency. 2. 0 Differences betweenShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1102 Words   |  5 Pages1. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (IRS) DBMS offer advance Data Modelling Facility (DMF) including Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language for modelling and manipulating data. IRS do not offer an advance DMF. Usually data modelling in IRS is restricted to classification of objects. Data Definition Language of DBMS is the capability to define the data integrity constraintsRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1117 Words   |  5 PagesBETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM BY FOCUSING ON THEIR FUNCTIONALITIES 2. HIGHLIGHT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATA AND INFORMATION 3. MAKE APPROPRIATE USE OF DIAGRAMS TO ILLUSTRATE THE UNDERLYING CONCEPTS/COMPONENTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 4. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN STRUCTURED AND NON STRUCTURED DATA. GIVE EXAMPLES FOR EACH. 5. REFERENCES 6. APPENDICES â€Æ' 1. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1527 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer: What is database management system? Database Management System is a database program. The DBMS manage incoming data, organize it, and provided ways for the data to be modified or extract by users or other programs. This cause, most database software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows the database to integrate with other databases. For example, commonRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval1367 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer A database management system (DBMS) is the main software tools of the database management approach because it controls the creation, maintenance and use of the databases of an organization and its end users. Information retrieval is a system that to provide the relevant information based on the user needed. This process can be find through the passwords or keywords or queryRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval Systems766 Words   |  3 Pages1. Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. (up to one page) [30 % marks] Database Management System A Database management system (DBMS) main software that handles the storage, retrieval, and updating in a computer system. DBMS performs a few important functions that guarantee the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. The first function is security, which components that restrict accessRead MoreDatabase Mangement and Retrieval System1425 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Database Management System (as known as DBMS) is a set of application that enable user to create, edit, update, store and retrieve data from database files. By using DBMS, data in a database can be added, deleted, changed, sorted and searched. DBMSs are usually used to manage employee information of a big company, customer information and stock information. By using the DBMS,Read MoreMultimedia Big Data Management Processing And Analysis1269 Words   |  6 PagesBIG DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS After categorizing multimedia big data, the next important phase in the data management cycle is its processing and analysis. So far, the possible types, sources and perspectives of multimedia big data have been highlighted; but this is only the first of the necessary stages in big data management. Generally, the stages involved in big data processing and analysis include data acquisition, data extraction, data representation, modeling, analysis and interpretationRead MoreDigital Images Requires Improved Methods For Sorting, Browsing And Searching Through Ever Growing Image Database1474 Words   |  6 Pagesdigital images requires improved methods for sorting, browsing and searching through ever-growing image databases. CBIR systems are search engines for image databases, which index images according to their content. This paper presents the systematic review for CBIR systems specific to the feature extraction techniques and compares the performance and features along with limitations. Keywords: CBIR System, Image Feature Extraction, Similarity Measurement I. Introduction The advancement in computer technologiesRead MoreInformation Technology And The Business Model1517 Words   |  7 PagesEBay uses information technology to perform and operate its business model. EBay was very successful in using information technology in its business model as an online retailer. Information technology is a terminology where computers and telecommunication equipments are being used to store, retrieve, and transfer data. Being said, eBay, who operates an online auctioning and retailing industry, uses information technology to achieve its business goal in customer relationship management, communicationRead MoreDbms Function978 Words   |  4 Pages1. While users were updating the Premiere Products database, one of the transactions was interrupted. You need to explain to management what steps the DBMS will take to correct the database. Using the sample log in Figure 7-1 1, list and describe the updates that the DBMS will roll back if transaction 2 is interrupted at 8: 10. In transaction 2, the DBMS started it at 8:01, added an Orders table record at 8:02, and added an Order Line table record at8:05 and added an Order Line table record at 8:09 Analysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval... 1. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (IRS) DBMS offer advance Data Modelling Facility (DMF) including Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language for modelling and manipulating data. IRS do not offer an advance DMF. Usually data modelling in IRS is restricted to classification of objects. Data Definition Language of DBMS is the capability to define the data integrity constraints. In IRS such validation mechanisms are less developed. DBMS provides precise semantics. IRS most of the time provides imprecise semantics. DBMS has structured data format. IRS is characterised by unstructured data format. Query specification is†¦show more content†¦3.1 COMPONENTS OF INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Diagram above shown the components of an information retrieval system. There are three components which is input, processor and output. Starting with the input, when the retrieval system is online, it is possible for the user to change his request during one search session in the light of a sample retrieval, thereby it is hoped that improving the subsequent retrieval run. Such a procedure is commonly referred to as feedback. The processor the part that retrieval system concerned with the retrieval process. The process may involve structuring the information in some appropriate way. It will also involve performing the actual retrieval function which is executing the search strategy in response to a query. In the diagram, the documents have been placed in a separate box to emphasis the fact that they are not just input but can be used during retrieval process. Finally come to the output which is usually a set of citations or document number. 4. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STRUCTURED AND NON STRUCTURED DATA 4.1 STRUCTURED DATA The structured data means data that could be identified because it is organised in a structure. The standard form of structured data is a database where particular information is stored based on a methods of columns and rows. Structured data also can be look up by data type within content. Structured data is understood by computers and is also efficientlyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1117 Words   |  5 PagesBETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM BY FOCUSING ON THEIR FUNCTIONALITIES 2. HIGHLIGHT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATA AND INFORMATION 3. MAKE APPROPRIATE USE OF DIAGRAMS TO ILLUSTRATE THE UNDERLYING CONCEPTS/COMPONENTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 4. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN STRUCTURED AND NON STRUCTURED DATA. GIVE EXAMPLES FOR EACH. 5. REFERENCES 6. APPENDICES â€Æ' 1. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1527 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer: What is database management system? Database Management System is a database program. The DBMS manage incoming data, organize it, and provided ways for the data to be modified or extract by users or other programs. This cause, most database software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows the database to integrate with other databases. For example, commonRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems992 Words   |  4 Pages1. Functions of a Database Management System Database Management System (DBMS) Information Retrieval System (IRS) †¢ Storage, Access And Provide DBMS provide services such as storage, access and update data in the database. †¢ Acquisition of the necessary and appropriate documents. †¢ Provide Free Catalog DBMS provides a catalog that contains information about the data and catalogs that can be accessed by users. †¢ Preparation and representation of the content of those in documents. †¢ Supports TransactionsRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval1367 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer A database management system (DBMS) is the main software tools of the database management approach because it controls the creation, maintenance and use of the databases of an organization and its end users. Information retrieval is a system that to provide the relevant information based on the user needed. This process can be find through the passwords or keywords or queryRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval Systems766 Words   |  3 Pages1. Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. (up to one page) [30 % marks] Database Management System A Database management system (DBMS) main software that handles the storage, retrieval, and updating in a computer system. DBMS performs a few important functions that guarantee the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. The first function is security, which components that restrict accessRead MoreDatabase Mangement and Retrieval System1425 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Database Management System (as known as DBMS) is a set of application that enable user to create, edit, update, store and retrieve data from database files. By using DBMS, data in a database can be added, deleted, changed, sorted and searched. DBMSs are usually used to manage employee information of a big company, customer information and stock information. By using the DBMS,Read MoreMultimedia Big Data Management Processing And Analysis1269 Words   |  6 PagesBIG DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS After categorizing multimedia big data, the next important phase in the data management cycle is its processing and analysis. So far, the possible types, sources and perspectives of multimedia big data have been highlighted; but this is only the first of the necessary stages in big data management. Generally, the stages involved in big data processing and analysis include data acquisition, data extraction, data representation, modeling, analysis and interpretationRead MoreDigital Images Requires Improved Methods For Sorting, Browsing And Searching Through Ever Growing Image Database1474 Words   |  6 Pagesdigital images requires improved methods for sorting, browsing and searching through ever-growing image databases. CBIR systems are search engines for image databases, which index images according to their content. This paper presents the systematic review for CBIR systems specific to the feature extraction techniques and compares the performance and features along with limitations. Keywords: CBIR System, Image Feature Extraction, Similarity Measurement I. Introduction The advancement in computer technologiesRead MoreInformation Technology And The Business Model1517 Words   |  7 PagesEBay uses information technology to perform and operate its business model. EBay was very successful in using information technology in its business model as an online retailer. Information technology is a terminology where computers and telecommunication equipments are being used to store, retrieve, and transfer data. Being said, eBay, who operates an online auctioning and retailing industry, uses information technology to achieve its business goal in customer relationship management, communicationRead MoreDbms Function978 Words   |  4 Pages1. While users were updating the Premiere Products database, one of the transactions was interrupted. You need to explain to management what steps the DBMS will take to correct the database. Using the sample log in Figure 7-1 1, list and describe the updates that the DBMS will roll back if transaction 2 is interrupted at 8: 10. In transaction 2, the DBMS started it at 8:01, added an Orders table record at 8:02, and added an Order Line table record at8:05 and added an Order Line table record at 8:09 Analysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval... Table of Contents 1. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM BY FOCUSING ON THEIR FUNCTIONALITIES 2. HIGHLIGHT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATA AND INFORMATION 3. MAKE APPROPRIATE USE OF DIAGRAMS TO ILLUSTRATE THE UNDERLYING CONCEPTS/COMPONENTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 4. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN STRUCTURED AND NON STRUCTURED DATA. GIVE EXAMPLES FOR EACH. 5. REFERENCES 6. APPENDICES 1. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM BY FOCUSING ON THEIR FUNCTIONALITIES The computer programs within software parcel which in a database, it controlling the administration; storing and recover back the data (fields, records and files),†¦show more content†¦The difference of function between DBMS and IRS is shown at table below:- DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (IRS) Data Security With this function, the DBMS able to secure the user security and data privacy within the database by determine the user access right – prevent unauthorized user from access and update the database, for example, by using password, only the authorized user allowed to access the database or update the database. A range of entities that stored within the database are attach with access control list which usually specify the group of user that can access and update the entities. An appropriate security control needed so that when user access and sharing the database with the data at different sensitivity level without violating the security. Data Integrity This function is reducing the problem of data integrity such as minimize the data redundancy – same data are stored in more than one place within the database without purpose, and maximize the consistency of data – make sure that the user are retrieve the correct/same data or answer when the same question/task being ask. The DBMS can also ensure that only one user can update the data at one time. With this function, IRS able to analyze the queries from user and then characterize the item in the form that matching the database. Interactive Query The most common queryShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1102 Words   |  5 Pages1. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (IRS) DBMS offer advance Data Modelling Facility (DMF) including Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language for modelling and manipulating data. IRS do not offer an advance DMF. Usually data modelling in IRS is restricted to classification of objects. Data Definition Language of DBMS is the capability to define the data integrity constraintsRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems1527 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer: What is database management system? Database Management System is a database program. The DBMS manage incoming data, organize it, and provided ways for the data to be modified or extract by users or other programs. This cause, most database software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows the database to integrate with other databases. For example, commonRead MoreAnalysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems992 Words   |  4 Pages1. Functions of a Database Management System Database Management System (DBMS) Information Retrieval System (IRS) †¢ Storage, Access And Provide DBMS provide services such as storage, access and update data in the database. †¢ Acquisition of the necessary and appropriate documents. †¢ Provide Free Catalog DBMS provides a catalog that contains information about the data and catalogs that can be accessed by users. †¢ Preparation and representation of the content of those in documents. †¢ Supports TransactionsRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval1367 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer A database management system (DBMS) is the main software tools of the database management approach because it controls the creation, maintenance and use of the databases of an organization and its end users. Information retrieval is a system that to provide the relevant information based on the user needed. This process can be find through the passwords or keywords or queryRead MoreDatabase Management and Information Retrieval Systems766 Words   |  3 Pages1. Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. (up to one page) [30 % marks] Database Management System A Database management system (DBMS) main software that handles the storage, retrieval, and updating in a computer system. DBMS performs a few important functions that guarantee the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. The first function is security, which components that restrict accessRead MoreDatabase Mangement and Retrieval System1425 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Database Management System (as known as DBMS) is a set of application that enable user to create, edit, update, store and retrieve data from database files. By using DBMS, data in a database can be added, deleted, changed, sorted and searched. DBMSs are usually used to manage employee information of a big company, customer information and stock information. By using the DBMS,Read MoreMultimedia Big Data Management Processing And Analysis1269 Words   |  6 PagesBIG DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS After categorizing multimedia big data, the next important phase in the data management cycle is its processing and analysis. So far, the possible types, sources and perspectives of multimedia big data have been highlighted; but this is only the first of the necessary stages in big data management. Generally, the stages involved in big data processing and analysis include data acquisition, data extraction, data representation, modeling, analysis and interpretationRead MoreDigital Images Requires Improved Methods For Sorting, Browsing And Searching Through Ever Growing Image Database1474 Words   |  6 Pagesdigital images requires improved methods for sorting, browsing and searching through ever-growing image databases. CBIR systems are search engines for image databases, which index images according to their content. This paper presents the systematic review for CBIR systems specific to the feature extraction techniques and compares the performance and features along with limitations. Keywords: CBIR System, Image Feature Extraction, Similarity Measurement I. Introduction The advancement in computer technologiesRead MoreInformation Technology And The Business Model1517 Words   |  7 PagesEBay uses information technology to perform and operate its business model. EBay was very successful in using information technology in its business model as an online retailer. Information technology is a terminology where computers and telecommunication equipments are being used to store, retrieve, and transfer data. Being said, eBay, who operates an online auctioning and retailing industry, uses information technology to achieve its business goal in customer relationship management, communicationRead MoreDbms Function978 Words   |  4 Pages1. While users were updating the Premiere Products database, one of the transactions was interrupted. You need to explain to management what steps the DBMS will take to correct the database. Using the sample log in Figure 7-1 1, list and describe the updates that the DBMS will roll back if transaction 2 is interrupted at 8: 10. In transaction 2, the DBMS started it at 8:01, added an Orders table record at 8:02, and added an Order Line table record at8:05 and added an Order Line table record at 8:09

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